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Wednesday, 22 January 2014

The Wolf of Wall Street and Emperor Of Your Hearts.

The Wolves
    To even begin saying about this legendary motion picture , let me sum it up a bit..

    Wolf of Wall Street is
  1. Debauched
  2. Lewd
  3. Incoherent
  4. Frivolous and offcourse absolutely
  5. Fucking Awesome
  6. Stylish
  7. Obnoxious
  8. Debauched Again

  9. DEBAUCHERER distributing "Free Coupons"    
    Scorsese has those  uncanny ways to depict some anti hero characters. Jordon Belfort being  the subject. This particular movie not only glorifies psychotic narcissism but also crime with finesse. Gone are the days when the Heroic characters beat the villains in climax and made out with heroines happily there after. Thanks to sitcoms viz. Breaking Bad , Game Of Thrones  that directors are thinking about that dark recess of human psyche of complex humans. "The Wolf Of Wall Street" is  like a college "Gone Crazy" for half the movie. One of the blackest comedies that is a full dose on Sex, Drugs and Greediness. 

    The GoldFish. 
    I may not suggest Garib People (Intellectually) to watch this movie all because they will end up saying "When did being downright bad become so cool?". Face it fellas our society has come so far in such a short span that we now praise wit and ingenuity of cheats and corrupts. Such intense is the acting that one cant help but just stand up and applaud . While rest is world is busy applauding for Leo-Di-Caprio's effort , which off-course absolutely is nothing less of charismatic, what they are conveniently ignoring is the fact that Jonah Hill was as awesome as him.The Magnetic , Cheesy-Minded , Right-Hand man with all his mischiefs is all set to enthrall the audience and HOW ?? He actually swallowed a Gold Fish, Man that was some serious shit !!

    Best Scene In History Of Motion Pictures. 
    The dialogue from the movie is the adage of current generation. It says " Money Talks and Bullshit Takes The Bus. " This particular rom-com is about bunch of rich folks who have, or should I say who care about, nothing but money. No health , No integrity , No Manners, No Respect , No Honesty , No time , Nothing at all but Money Money Money !!  The overdose of  Quaaludes is one of the best scenes in history of motion pictures. When leo crawls to his car is one classic piece of physical comedy , worthy of a Silent Movie.

    What I like about  Scorsese is he chooses his subjects meticulously. With "The Aviator" I  thought he has extracted the pulp of Leo's acting elegance portraying life and times of Howard Huge. But he took things altogether to next level in The Wolf so much so that even bacchanal side of Jordon Belfort is celebrated. The film that was minted only and only for Caprio and he "Fucking" made it large with his acting genius.
    The Wolf Of Wall Street !! 

    He Came !! He Fucked !! He Snorted !! He Abused !! HE CONQUERED !!