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Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Game Of Thrones Questionnaire

    As many people those many fantasies. This post is one such Fantasy of mine. The fantasy is being interviewed by Morgan Freeman.  So out of the craze i took a quiz thinking Mr. Freeman would ask me these question. So behold the questionnaire and get entertained instantly.

    Q. Who is your Fav Character form Game of thrones book and the sitcom?
    A. Book Sansa stark .. She is depicted strong in books. After all that she is been through how is her not being made fav character of.  Fav character sitcom of . Theon Grejoy .. There is a depth to this character and it starts growing on you as the series progresses. He is a fav .. All because of this ..

    Here u go …

    It is more like ..

    Q.Fav Quote..
    A.Lannisters always pays his debts.
    Lannister send their regards. I like House Lannister so much that i even designed a sweat shirt by its name.

    Q. Where would you want to live in GOT world?
    A. On the wall.. first of all somewhere I feel the men at nights watch are doing a decent job keeping the white-walkers away from the realm and second of all I resemble like Samwell Tarly. Reminds me of my childhood when I was too fat for my own good.

     Q. Fav. House
    A. Lannister offcourse .. Bad guys run the show .. 

      Q. Who would u ship?
    A.  Asha Grejoy.. Not a strong character in books also in series ..

    Q.  Picture that express your reaction to the show..
    A.  RED WEEDING !!

    So after this weeding i was like 

    Q. Favorite moment in book …
    A.  Spoiler Alert Ahead :  Book 3 .. Storm of Swords .. Page # 551.. Chapter Name : Tyrion

    Q. Favorite moments in show..
    A.1) All the convos between Jon Snow and Yigritte .. & incidentally all of those ended with "You Know Nothing Jon Snow"
    2) The Battle of Blackwater Bay .. And the Tyrion Speech
    3) The convos between Arya Stark and Tywin Lannister .. Interestingly these don’t exist in books.
    4) and the BAAAP of ALL the moments  Joffery Getting slapped by his uncle Tyrion.. There is no beating this.

    Q. Least Favorite Character
    A. Ser.Barristan Selmy .. I mean ok the guy is Ace Gladiator and Bullshit but if I don’t like him I don’t like him.

    Q. If you had a direwolf what would you name it?
    A. Stannis.. The name has nice ring to it.. And u can always call him Big Stan . ( No offence to house Baratheon)

    Q.Three words that describe GOT
    A.  Delicious Fictional Bliss 

    Q. If you had a house ..a) What would be the name ?b) What would be the sigil? c) What would be the words?
    A. House Vebster.. Moustache would be the sigil .. Words : Fly High Fly Far .. Infact I even made a logo.

    Q. What Stark would you be ?
    A. First of all I wont be stark , second of all if I had no choice I will opt out with Rickon.. To find a justification  "READ THE GOD DAMN BOOKS"!!

    Q. Invent a character that would fit in GOT.
    A. SpolierAlert : there was impeccable chemistry between The Imp and his sell sword Bronn.. But during the trial for Joff's  murder Bronn chose money over master ..and with Tyrion on the run I would invent a character as loyal as POD and as brutal as Sandor Clegane to accompany his highness during this tough time.
    Name : Ser.Websy Bratney  ht : 6 feet 2  WT : 192 pounds .. Moustache offcouse and light beard ,strong build not the one with obvious looks but Brute force hell yess, wearing a Lannister Armour and has a decent taste in women.  He would meet Tyrion at some Bar and would be his BEST sellsword to date . Something like this ..

    Q. Whatz the most interesting thing about GOT ?
    A. Unpredictability  is the word.With so many characters to keep a track of  as I said it is indeed a bliss. Also the series is perfectly in line with books as long as crucial details are concerned.  Nothing is predictable. You like a character and bam its gone .. This held true for Ned Stark , Rob Stark , Lady Catlyn , Ser Mormount  (The One on Night's Watch) Yigrrite.. HOLY FUCK !! DID I JUST SAY THAT ??

    Q. Theon , Cersie, Jammie . Marry, Fuck, Throw off the cliff   What would u do ?
    A. Fuck Cersie, then Marry her to Jammie coz Incest and then throw Theon off the cliff as a redemption for this Incestuous Sin.

    Q.Who would you see battle it out ?
    A. Bitch Fight :  Lady Mellisendre  vs Cersie … Maragery vs Danerys Targarean ..
         Bro Fight :  Sandor Clegane vs Ramsay Bolton … Stannis vs Jorah Mormount  .. Jon Snow vs Bronn

    Q.What charcters death would be okay with you?
    A. Interesting !! The gay Tyrell kid .. Jojen Reed his sister Meera … and the fucktards  Walder Frey and Roose Bolton.

    Q. Top 5 fav characters.
    A.1) Jon Snow
    2)Lord Petyr Belish aka Little Finger.
    3)Theon Grejoy
    4)Tyrion Lannister
    5)Arya Stark

    Q.Give yourself a GOT inspired character name
    A. Just did that earlier.  Ser.  Websy Bratney

    Q. Give some advice to your Fav. characters.
    A. I tweeted about it couple of months earlier. I was watching some 5th episode of third season. It was for Theon Grejoy. "Hang in there buddy , Revenge comes later." And one for Jon Snow .. Brace yourself dude coz we believe .. "Baap ka, Sautli maa ka, Sautele Bhai ka, Sauteli Bhabi ka , do wolfs ka(Lady and Grey Wind) , sabka badla lega re tera Jon Snow."

    Q.Lord of the rings or Game of Thrones .. Pick one
    A. I wont .. I don’t like the question.

    Q. Fav Chapter in the Book..
    A. Off all 3 I have finished reading .Storm of swords. I would pick above aforesaid chapter .. Tyrion .. Second best Tyrion again form book 2 clash of the kings.. Third choice Catlyn storm of swords Red Wedding

    Q.Fav Episode
    A.The one in which Jon Snow and Yigritte make out. The best romance I have ever seen, books TV Cinema all included.

    Q. Best moment in the show.
    A. Tyrion Speech during the battle of black water bay. I beleive that is very thing that got him Golden Globe. Every time I watch this i cry like a soldier.
    Check this out ..

      *Partyz Over Guys*

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